Dana White Says Donald Cerrone Will Make $1.3 Million This Year

Dana White was surprised that veteran fan favorite Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone, who will take on Matt Brown tonight at UFC 206, didn’t give him a call before he elected to appear on the boar of the newly-founded Mixed Martial Arts Athletes Association (MMAAA) during a recent press call.
Cerrone has since cleared the air on his stance with the association and he’s made it clear what he wants, but according to White, that shouldn’t be more money:
“I was saying about Cowboy, and he doesn’t disagree: He’s never won a title in the WEC or the UFC, he’s headlined three events in his whole career,” said White during an appearance on Tim & Sid on Sportsnet. “The guy is going to make $1.3 million from fighting this year, and that doesn’t include his sponsorship, which could put him anywhere from $1.6 million to $1.7 or $1.8 million. I don’t know what the number is, that’s his business not mine, but how much money do you think you should be making Cowboy?”
What he does want, however, is some type of retirement plan as well as health care and benefits. White, on the other hand, believes that perhaps fighters need to save and budget their money better:
“When we talk about post-fight,” added White, “Cerrone and all the other fighters, you’re making a million something [dollars] this year, that is your retirement. You can’t live off the sponsorship money and throw a million in the bank? And do that for the next couple of years and hopefully invest the money wisely? That’s all of our situations, we’re all in that same situation.”
While it’s ludicrous to say that White is in the same situation as fighters in terms of money, do you agree with the UFC boss’s view?