Dana White: I Have Never Seen Anyone Like Conor McGregor

The UFC stumbled across a megastar when they signed Conor McGregor and Dana is content to let him ‘do what he does”.
In just three years Conor McGregor has launched himself into the stratosphere becoming the biggest star the sport has ever seen. White who appeared on ESPN’s Sports Center, believes McGregor’s caution to the wind fight style is a big part of his success.
“What makes Conor so special,” White said. “Most people when they get to the level that he’s at, they’re making the money and the fame and all the other things, they get a little skiddish. They don’t take the chances and the risks they took coming up. This guy puts it all on the table every time he fights.
“I have been around fighters since I was 19 years old, I have never seen anyone like Conor McGregor”
The brash and colorful Irishman can sometimes go over the top. However, white insists that is a part of the package and he doesn’t want to put restrictions on that.
“I don’t try and corral the lunatic that is Conor McGregor,” White said. “I let Conor McGregor be Conor McGregor, you don’t mess with that. When you have something that great you step back and you go let him do what he does.”
There has been a lot of speculation in the past – especially after UFC 200 – that the relationship between McGregor, White and the UFC is becoming strained. White acknowledges McGregor can get ‘a little over his skies’, but insists the relationship between McGregor and the UFC is anything but strained.
“Ya, there are times when he gets a little over his skies and he gets a little crazy,” White said. “At the end of the day, he’s not as difficult to deal with behind the scenes as people might think. There is a lot of misconceptions about our relationship. I have a good relationship with Conor.”
UFC 205 in New York is fast approaching and one thing is clear, McGregor is most likely going to lead the way in smashing the previous pay- per-view record and bringing the UFC their biggest payday in history.