Dana White reveals James Krause could ‘go to f*****g federal prison’ for his involvement in betting scandal

Dana White says that being cut will be the least of someone’s concerns if they are involved with fight fixing or similar activities.
The James Krause situation seems to keep twisting and turning, with likely more information yet to come out.
Krause was banned from the UFC and fighters who chose to even train at his gym would not be allowed to compete for the promotion. This follows accusations that Krause was involved in an incident where several bookmakers reported suspicious betting activity on a fight involving Darrick Minner, who is coached and corned by Krause.
Krause was also heavily involved in MMA gambling, having a YouTube page dedicated to it along with a telegram that people would pay for to gain access to the 36-year-olds betting advice and picks.
While during this time, Krause was more than likely making a substantial amount of money with both his winnings and tipping service. UFC president Dana White warned those that may be enticed to tempt fate that it would be the legal system rather than the UFC where they would receive their punishment.
“People ask me well, what’s the UFC gonna do?” Dana White said at the post-fight press conference. “We let these guys know not to bet on fights. Do you know what the outcome of this is? If I penalize them, you get cut. They are gonna go to f*****g federal prison, federal f*****g prison.”
“If you are that f*****g stupid and anyone else wants to do it. Knock yourself out. There is not enough money in it to ruin your life, and not go to jail, go to federal prison.”