Dana White does not want Fedor in the UFC

Dana White was recently interviewed. When asked if he would still want Fedor in the UFC, he answered, “NOPE”. Dana continues to add, “Do you realize this man was created by the media?” and later continues to say, “He has no star power.”

The question remains is Dana White playing the media? or is he for real and does not want him in the UFC? Could Dana be scared that Fedor will come back even stronger?

Whatever the answer is. We all know Dana has the best interest for fans or does he?

Fedor loses one fight and now Dana says he doesn’t want him in the UFC. Rumor has it he wants Werdum back in the UFC now that he has impressed people. Dana has to believe there is some stock that comes to Fedor or he wouldn’t want Werdum back in the UFC

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What do you think? Does he really not want Fedor in the UFC? or are the fans just being put on the edge or our sets?  YES or NO