Corey Anderson Shares Gruesome Images Of Facial Injuries After Collapsing

Corey Anderson has endured a rough couple of months.
Anderson last competed in February when he suffered a first-round knockout at the hands of Jan Blachowicz at UFC Rio Rancho.
However, there would be even more struggles afterward as “Overtime” revealed he collapsed face-first on a gravel road after blacking out nearly a week following the event.
As a result, he suffered significant facial injuries with a number of doctors assessing the reason for his collapsing being due to him suffering a major concussion in his knockout defeat in addition to being dehydrated. One doctor even assessed the reason being due to Anderson’s heart stopping. In the end, he was cleared to fight after undergoing a number of tests.
Anderson went on to add that the commission failed to do a proper checkup on him after the fight as he advised his fellow fighters to care of their health in a lengthy Instagram post.
“Its been a long road back.. BUT never the less we are back! Feb 21st following my last fight I blacked out and collapsed smashing my face on a gravel road after scouting some land for hrs. Ended up in the ER for 5 days running numerous of test and blood work to figure out what happened. I seen a long list of different doctors, all but one said it was do to major concussion and lack of water and food after hiking through the woods for hrs. 1 doctor would tell me it was my heart… that my heart had stopped beating and it could happen again but next time in a fight!! Instantly my wifes face change and my emotions as well. I become angry with doctors bc i was scared internally. I would take many trips to NYU hospital meeting several different specialist during many more test and undergoing 2 very painful outpatient heart procedures to find more evidence to go along with that ONE doctors notes He had put a complete halt to my career as a fighter until it was clear my heart was safe to compete. And as of last monday night, I left hospital for the final time after my last procedure, with clearance note in hand, and the doctor telling me “Congrats Mr. Anderson, I can let you go back to beating people up!”
“After my fight the commission/medics failed to do the proper after fight check up and I went back to living life as normal. And I paid a hefty price!! This world wind 5 months have put ALOT of things into perspective and as a veteran fighter who in the past has just fought with reckless abandoned with no care for rest and mental health long as I can keep fighting. I advise you other fighters to look after your health if you took some big shots to your head in a fight or practice, take the proper time to recover. It took me having my son sitting there looking at me in a hospital bed to realize there is real life after fighting and I want to be here to enjoy it. Fight smart, train smart, but recover and rest SMARTER!! Use your head while you still have the brains to do so.”
What do you make of Anderson’s incident?