Conor McGregor Calls For Ireland To Leave The European Union

Conor McGregor has called for his home country Ireland to follow in the footsteps of their British neighbours by leaving the European Union.
‘Notorious’, who has recently returned to Ireland to continue his recovery process, has been disappointed with new COVID-19 restrictions being introduced following the emergence of the Omicron variant.
Ireland has introduced new measures that limit the hospitality sector and home visits. Bars and restaurants are now limited to just six people on table service. Nightclubs have been closed until the new year and of course, masks wearing, and social distancing has been re-introduced.
“It is time to talk Ireland leaving the European Union,” McGregor wrote on social media last night before attacking the Irish government in a series of tweets that have since been deleted.
“Embarrassing “leadership”. Messengers. Lap dogs. Get this system and shred it fully!”
“Disband nphet. Realign the hse to do it’s job. Formed 2005 to assist our hospitals. Instead annihilated. 11.5m public-funded hse money paid to media entities. This year alone. Appalling.”
“To be at this level of vaccination % yet going backwards, and attempting now to talk mandating. Laughable.”
“Shame on you all in current power. EU lackeys. The tracks of this gravy train will so be realigned and set to its rightful destination of an Irish red brick wall.”
Conor McGregor Has Changed His Tune On COVID-19
This is not the first time McGregor has got political on social media. The former dual-weight UFC champion was one of the key figures in Ireland calling on the government to do more to combat coronavirus last year.
“While we are currently debating a full lockdown, I feel that we must,” McGregor said in March 2020. “Any time spent debating this is needless time from the clock. I know a good, tough fight when I see one and we have one on our hands now. I want to call on my people, the great people of Ireland — this fight needs us all.
“We are all in the red corner awaiting the bell. So let’s gather together and ring the bell ourselves including the people of the rest of the world. True lockdown must begin and it must begin now. A lockdown together, a lockdown united. We must close our airports, we must close all non-essential business, we must cut all non-essential travel.”
After donating millions in PPE and seeing great numbers of his countrymen vaccinated against the virus, McGregor clearly feels now is not the time to return to lockdown and he seems to be blaming the EU for Ireland’s regression.
Do you agree with Conor McGregor? Should Ireland consider leaving the EU?