Cody McKenzie Says NSAC Official ‘Whipped His D**k Out’ At Drug Test


UFC and TUF veteran Cody McKenzie was dealt a devastating four-year suspension by the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) earlier this week.

The suspension stemmed from a pre-fight drug test at a September 14 Tuff-N-Uff event in Las Vegas. There, McKenzie allegedly supplied the commission with fake urine. His fight was canceled. McKenzie was then scheduled to appear before the NSAC on October 24, but he claimed his hearing was pushed back so the commission could extend the temporary suspensions for Khabib Nurmagomedov and Conor McGregor’s post-fight brawl at UFC 229.

His hearing was rescheduled for November 14. When he didn’t show up, the commission “found the respondent in default” and gave him the daunting four-year suspension. But McKenzie has a completely different side of the story. He recently told MMA Fighting’s Alexander K. Lee that the NSAC acted incredibly strange throughout the entire ordeal. That includes asking him to take a urine test during his warm-up for the fight:

“They said if I didn’t piss in a cup right before my fight — literally I was warming up — my fight was about to happen in five minutes and they’re yelling at me, telling me I need to take the piss test and I’m like, ‘No, I can’t take a piss right now. I’m warming up for my fight. I’ve never f*ckin’ taken a piss in my life before a fight. I’ve fought for 15 years. Leave me alone.

“We start fighting back and forth, they started saying we’re not going to let you fight unless you f*ckin’ piss in the cup. So I f*ckin’ just went in the bathroom and poured something in the cup and it was funny because I was telling them I wasn’t going to let them watch me pee.”

Sexually Harrassed?

But that’s when things got a lot stranger. McKenzie claims a commission official pulled his penis out and brandished it at him. He also claimed that five or six witnesses saw it and did nothing. The NSAC also did nothing when he contacted them repeatedly with the concern:

“And one of the [commission inspectors] whipped out his f*ckin’ dick, ‘cause he’s like, ‘Oh, it’s not that f*ckin’ hard.’ And he takes his dick out and shakes his dick at me. I was like, ‘Dude, that’s f*ckin’ sexual harassment.’ You can’t do that. That’s bullshit, you know? There was five or six witnesses standing right there. Nothing ever came out about it.

“I talked to the commission about it countless times, they just keep saying there’s an investigation going on, which I haven’t heard a thing about it, they won’t talk to me about any of it. I’m like, ‘You guys are ridiculous. You guys are f*ckin’ crazy.’ That’s nuts to me. You don’t pull your dick out and shake it at somebody, especially in this day and age.”

McKenzie went into further detail about this alleged circumstance, claiming that he filed a complaint but they still employed the man who pulled out his genitals:

“Backstage, there was probably six of us standing around and this older guy got all pissed at me because I said I wasn’t going to piss right in front of people because I never have had to before and he got all mad at me and he whipped out his dick and shook it at me,” McKenzie said. “And not for a short amount of time. He was yelling at me while he’s shaking his dick at me.

“They haven’t fired the guy that I’ve heard of, I haven’t heard of any repercussions coming their way. It’s just a bunch of bullshit. The Nevada State Athletic Commission’s just a joke.”

NSAC Responds

NSAC executive director Bob Bennett replied to the allegations. He called them untrue, but did confirm the official in question was no longer working events for the NSAC:

“[McKenzie’s] allegations are not accurate,” Bennett said. “We’re currently looking into the matter accordingly. At the current time, that inspector is no longer working events for us.”

Overall, McKenzie admitted that he did pour something that was not his own urine into the testing specimen collection cup. That’s going to get him in hot water regardless of the other unforeseen nefarious details. However, he claimed the NSAC told him if he showed them the fake urine, they wouldn’t release the news to the media. They did, and that’s part of what has McKenzie up in arms.

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With that established, he said they don’t actually look out for fighters’ safety:

“I’m just mad at the commission,” McKenzie said. “We’ve been going back-and-forth for a while. They promised me that if I showed them the fake pee that they wouldn’t tell the media. That it wouldn’t get out, that it would just be between us. They lied to me there, they told me I’d be able to fight if I pulled it out. They lied to me up and down. It was just a bunch of BS that was going on there.

“The commission is out of control. They’re terrible. They say they’re here for our safety, but they’ve let me get ripped off my entire career.”