Clay Guida’s UFC 107 Walkout T-Shirt Is F*ckin’ Rad


Following the Hoelzer Reich fiasco, it’s refreshing to see an MMA t-shirt sponsor that actually gets it right. Sure, there’s a skull in Clay Guida’s new “Run to the Hills” tee ($40) from Silver Star — which the Carpenter will be wearing during his cage-entrance at UFC 107 — and yes, the skull thing has already been beaten into the ground. But as any metal fan could tell you, that skull belongs to Iron Maiden mascot Eddie the Head. Maybe you would appreciate this more if you had just been listening to “The Trooper” before you saw this. Or maybe you’d be more interested in some of the other signature tees that will be on display this Saturday…

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(Cheick Kongo’s signature shirt from TapouT, $28: Those colors do run.)

(BJ Penn’s Penn X Limited Edition Tee from RVCA, $32: Wear it to the death.)

(Diego Sanchez’s spiritually-charged Bad Boy walkout tee, $39.95)

(Kenny Florian’s zombie-samurai-themed walkout tee from TapouT, $28)

(More zombie-samurai action courtesy of Frank Mir‘s “Uncrushable” t-shirt from Ecko, $28.)

(You won’t see it on Saturday, but if you buy one piece of Kimbo Slice-related apparel, please let it be TapouT’s Doomsday tee, $24. My God, that thing is amazingly hideous.)