Chuck Liddell Has Answers For The UFC’s PED Problem…Kind Of

With numerous big name stars getting busted for Performance enhancing drugs (PED) in recent weeks, the UFC clearly has a problem. UFC president and Dana White, and CEO Lorenzo Fertita will be holding a press conference tomorrow to discuss the issue.
Another star who spoke up on the drug problem, was old-school UFC pioneer and former light heavyweight champion Chuck “The Iceman” Liddell. “The Iceman” was one of the biggest stars in the history of the sport, and one of the best knockout artists in history.
Ironically, “The Iceman” didn’t have much to say. Liddell wasn’t really sure how the problem could be solved, noting that expanding the current drug testing procedures would be quite a process in an interview with Sports Court. He also mentioned, that he doesn’t believe the problem is very different from other sports, such as baseball and football I would imagine.
The former champion said it’s all about trying to keep guys clean and enforcing the right punishment, claiming that a year suspension definitely puts a hurting on a fighter’s salary. He also wasn’t aware that fighters get tested before fights, which is quite odd.
Check out the full interview below:
What’s going to happen in the future is widely unknown at this point, but it’s clear that something must happen, and soon before the sport we love is taken over by PEDs.