Chuck Liddell

Chuck “The Iceman” Liddell is a legend in MMA. Though the “Iceman” has lost 5 of his last six fights, he is still considered one of the greats in MMA history.

Quality wins over Randy Couture, Tito Ortiz, Alistar Overeem, and Wanderlei Silva you have to give the man credit for bringing MMA to the United States. Chuck and Randy Couture have help make this sport mainstream in America and now all around the world. I think overall all the MMA fighters have respect for Chuck, maybe not Tito, but overall he is a legend and well respected by all of them.

One thing is striking and hits you the wrong way. Why does Dana White say, “I don’t have one sad feeling for Chuck Liddell.”””

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This does not show respect and it shows the lack of respect Dana White has for his fighters. All he cares about is $$$. He doesn’t care about the fans, the fighters, and just people in general. Will the Fertitta bros have to do some Dana chewing? I don’t know. Does he have some good fight cards? Absolutely.

Dana White is a great businessman and again puts on some the most incredible shows. This may not happen within the next few years, but in 5 years the UFC could be in trouble if he continues to butcher and blast guys who just retired.