Chael Sonnen Tells Insane Story About Jorge Masvidal Knocking Out Three Guys At A Club

Jorge Masvidal is the UFC’s BMF Champion for a reason. “”Gamebred” is always down to scrap, whether it be inside, or outside the Octagon (if necessary).
Recently, mixed martial arts (MMA) legend Chael Sonnen took to his podcast, “You’re Welcome,” and shared a very interesting story he was told about Masvidal from Michael Bisping. Sonnen began by explaining the past beef Bisping and Masvidal had with one another, and how they eventually squashed it when Bisping, along with a group of his friends, simply passed by Masvidal, who was alone, in a hallway without getting physical.
“Bisping and I spent the week together,” Sonnen began. “”And somehow, he tells me this story of his beef with Jorge Masvidal. And I remember that. I didn’t know all the details, but I remember when things were boiling over between those two. They had two altercations that were even caught on camera. I remember, like, a hotel lobby at the elevators and they had to be separated. It got pretty bad.
“There was another time – and this was just the things where cameras were around. So I knew about it, but he tells me how it began and where the whole thing came from. But then he tells me how it ended. And the way it ended is, Bisping is walking down a hallway – I picture down a backstage, like an arena – but he’s walking down a hallway. And he has four buddies with him, and they’re all his size, so four big guys, five big guys, and there’s a guy coming towards them from the other way.
“And it turns out – now I say ‘a guy’ because it was Jorge Masvidal, but Jorge Masvidal was underneath a hat, like a stocking cap. So Bisping didn’t recognize him. So as they were coming up to Jorge, Jorge stood on the wall so they could all walk past. So they all walked passed. Well, Jorge thought, if the roles were reversed, me and my buddies would’ve jumped Bisping. So Jorge thought that he was going to get jumped when he saw these five guys coming at him. And because they didn’t jump him, Jorge was no longer mad at Bisping.”
Because Bisping didn’t attempt to jump Masvidal with his friends, Masvidal apparently appreciated the gesture, and all was well. From then on out, Masvidal and “The Count” were cool with one another, even cool enough for Masvidal to share an insane club brawl story with the Englishman.
Masvidal apparently once thought he was getting robbed by two guys in a club, and proceeded to knock them both out before retreating to the bathroom. An unknown man followed Masvidal into the bathroom, and whether or not Masvidal knew if he was associated with the two men he thought were attempting to rob him earlier, knocked him out too just to be safe.
“So, Bisping finds out that Masvidal appreciated this gesture,” Sonnen said. “At the time Bisping finds out, this is when he even finds out that that person in the stocking cap was Masvidal. But either way, Bisping is onboard. Bisping said, ‘This is great, because I never wanted this thing with Masvidal anyway. I actually respect Masvidal, and now I can even like Masvidal because we’re good.’ So, when he and Masvidal have made up, and now they’re hanging out socially, Jorge tells Bisping a story.
“And, Jorge is in a club, he was wearing a chain, gold chain necklace. I think he had a nice watch on or something, but these two guys walk up to him, that Jorge doesn’t know, and one of them like, flicks the necklace, like reaches down and flicks it. So, Jorge doesn’t know how to interpret that, but thinks that these guys are going to rob him. So Jorge knocks the one guy out that touched the necklace, and turns with a hook and knocks out the other guy. Now if you ever hear a story about, ‘Yeah, I was at a club and I knocked two guys out with two punches,’ You’ve now met a liar.
“Except if that guy is Jorge Masvidal. So, Jorge knocks these two guys out and decides he has to lay low while this scene is unfolding, so he ducks into the bathroom. So when Jorge goes into the bathroom, a guy comes into the bathroom right behind him. So in Jorge’s mind he’s like, ‘I don’t know if this guy who just came into the bathroom is with those two other guys,’ So Jorge knocks that guy out. So the question becomes, Jorge, why did you knock the guy out in the bathroom?
“What if he wasn’t with them? What if he had nothing to do with it at all, he was a patron, and went to use the restroom? Jorge said, ‘I couldn’t take the risk.’ That was the answer. I could not take the risk.”
Sonnen noted that he asked Bisping if it was okay to share the story on his podcast. Bisping said he’d have to ask Masvidal to be sure. When Sonnen called up Masvidal to ask if he could share the story on his show, Masvidal simply responded with, ‘Yeah, man, cool.’
“So I call Masvidal, and I say, ‘Hey Bisping told me a story about you at a club where these two guys messed with your necklace and a third guy came into the bathroom- ‘ and I got the whole thing out, and I said, ‘Hey can I put that story out?’ And he goes, ‘Yeah, man, cool.’ That’s all he says to me over the phone. ‘Yeah, man, cool.'”
What do you make of Masvidal’s reaction to the three men in the club? Did he act too fast?