CBD in MMA & Why Do Pro Fighters Use It?

nate diaz cbd

Everybody interested in MMA has heard of CBD. It happened after a famous fighter Nate Diaz was seen vaping CBD. It has increased the popularity of CBD for MMA fighters. CBD has been removed from the World Anti-Doping Agencies banned list.

If you are keen on MMA and are a fighter, CBD could help you to recover better and faster. CBD delivers a lot of benefits for fighters. However, let’s find out why it is so popular these days and what exact benefits it can deliver.

What is CBD?

CBD is one of many cannabinoids of the cannabis Sativa plant. Most people know about THC – the cannabinoid responsible for making you high. Unlike THC doesn’t have a psychoactive effect and can’t get you high. CBD can:

  • Relieve pain 
  • Have a positive effect on sleep 
  • Decrease the level of anxiety.

It makes CBD a great choice for MMA fighters. If you are interested in CBD products, you can go via the link https://askgrowers.com/cbd. You will find there various CBD products.

Fighters regularly suffer from pain, inflammation, head trauma, etc. Such damages can prevent you from recovering and make it hard to sleep. If a fighter doesn’t have a good recovery and sleep, he can’t perform at his maximum. An interesting fact is that most injuries fighters receive during their workouts are because of pure recovery. In this case, CBD could be useful and improve recovery between workouts. Let’s dive into the details of how CBD can help MMA fighters.

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CBD for Muscle Recovery

Everyone knows that no matter how often you train or how hard, you need to recover between workouts to avoid injuries. When we are talking about MMA fighters, the more time they work out, the better their shape will be. So how can CBD help with muscle recovery?

Athletes’ exercise causes microscopic tears in the fibers that tissue our muscles. Our organism responds to this and starts inflammatory responses leading to soreness for a few days after the workout. The inflammation brings blood with nutrients and oxygen to the damaged area. It helps us to recover and become stronger, but the process could be too long. That’s where CBD can help you. 

CBD has anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects, according to a 2019 study. These effects make the recovery process quicker, and the inflammation lasts no longer than it needs to. You can return to workouts as soon as possible.

CBD for Sleep

All of us understand the importance of good rest at night. Good sleep is one of the most significant things for recovery and performance for an athlete. It could be a problem for many fighters. They might not be able to sleep because of pain, stress, and soreness because of the specifics of their sport.

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CBD can help you to go to sleep. It reduces anxious thoughts and support neurotransmitter, which slows down the activity of neurons, and leads to good sleep. So CBD reduces anxiety and helps fighters to sleep well and speed up their recovery.

CBD for Injuries and Pain Relief

MMA fighters could often face injuries, and it is the thing nobody can avoid. Traditional painkillers could lead to addiction and have other side effects. CBD has few side effects and doesn’t cause addiction. The most widespread side effects of CBD are dry mouth and sleepiness. Both of them are not so important and will go away soon. CBD could block pain signals before they reach the brain and could relieve the pain.

CBD doesn’t always affect the endocannabinoid system directly. It interacts with other receptors, like vanilloid receptors (TRPV-1.) They are found in our nervous system and are responsible for pain and perception.

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How Are MMA Fighters Using CBD?

That is why professional athletes use CBD supplements. Let’s see how and in which form they are using it. CBD products can take various forms. You can find creams, CBD oil, tablets, vape oils, edibles, etc. 

However, you should pay attention to the dose and choose it carefully. Otherwise, it could lead to unpleasant consequences. There is also a difference between the forms of CBD MMA products. For instance, bath bombs can have relaxing effects but won’t help you with a serious injury because they can get deep into your body. In this case, you could use CBD oil or vape liquid. Another example is topical, that might be used for knee pain, but if you want to treat the whole body from inflammation, you should use a form that gets into the bloodstream.

Final Words

It is a good idea for CBD MMA fighters to try it. Many big names in sports use CBD, like Nate Diaz, Jonny Bones, Matt Hughes, etc. CBD could have positive effects on athletes, and some of them are testing it at the moment. It is always up to you whether to try it or not.