CagePotato Photo Tribute: Punchface Revisited

Punch face: when it happens, it’s only painful.  When captured properly, however, that moment frozen in time is one of our guilty pleasures. We enjoy it because, c’mon, it’s a picture of a guy making a derpy face that he can’t control.  We feel guilty because we have no illusions that we would be able to control our own derpishness if someone were to hit us in the face really hard.

Fighters:  if you find yourself in one of our punchface galleries, please do not come punch us in the grill to see if we still look cool.  We will not still look cool.  If you absolutely have to punch one of us in the face, please make sure you bring a friend with a decent camera.  We’re going to want to see it afterwards.

READ MORE:  What is Krush? K-1's Feeder promotion to build up future kickboxing stars

Come one in past the jump and enjoy the comedy that results when knuckles connect with poor defenseless faces.  Special thanks to photographers with ninja skills, Fight! Magazine, MMAWeekly, and our own Jason Wright.


Michael Johnson scored not one but two punchfaces in his TUF Finale bout with Jonathan Brookins.

Turns out a good neckpunch will produce a passable punchface.

Georges St Pierre knows 78 ways to make you look funny.  (This is #32.)

Mark Coleman vs Randy Couture: Punchface for the Ages.

There was punchface to go around at Quarry vs Credeur.

Brendan Schaub looks tough, except when Big Country is punching his lights out for him.

Nelson is actually pretty good at the punchface game.  Here’s his Stefan Struve edition.

Kim Couture is no stranger to facial punishment.   (Don’t google that.)

Alessio Sakara does it again, this time with Thales Leites.

You want variety?  How about some kickface?

A good punch in the ear can yield a punchface from anyone, even the mighty Dragon.

This is the most impressive part of  Li’l Nog’s bout with Jason Brilz.

Chris Lytle, with yet another punchface. Maybe that’s why he racks up all those bonuses.

Edgar Garcia and Brad Blackburn are no longer with us, but this punchface always will be.

Jay Hieron scores style points for excellent form and flying sweat.

Chris Leben has the punchface you wish you had.

John Hathaway appears to be cataloging Paul Taylor‘s sponsors while dealing out punchface.  That’s talent.

Dennis Siver tries a punchface with a little help from Paul Kelly.

We’re not sure if this is Ortiz doing “punchface” or “Rocky impression”.

Two great punchfaces in one picture?  Yeah, we’re clocking out early today.