Brian Stann Hired as Analyst for Future UFC on FOX Events

If nothing else, at least the commentary will be much better for UFC on FOX 3 than the organization’s previous attempts on the network.
Those of you who tuned in for UFC on FUEL: Sanchez vs. Ellenberger more than likely left impressed by Brian Stann’s commentary throughout the evening. Already known for his ability to produce the most professional responses during interviews at will, Brian Stann seamlessly transitioned to the role of analyst. Stann was very confident while analyzing the fights, handling his first commentary gig like it was just another day at the office. Needless to say, the impressive showing granted him a role as an analyst for future UFC on FOX events.
The UFC’s attempts to give fighters active roles as commentators during UFC on FOX broadcasts have seen mixed results. The organization’s debut on FOX saw Brock Lesnar do a great job in both analyzing the fights and promoting his upcoming bout with Overeem. However, when Lesnar lost that fight and subsequently retired, the UFC could not continue to use him. It attempted to fill the void he left with UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture and Light-Heavyweight Champion Jon Jones.
Any momentum that Randy Couture built with his solid commentary during UFC on FOX 2 was completely destroyed by Jon Jones’ nightmarish performance. From blatantly reading his “analysis” (perhaps “his” analysis is more appropriate) of the fights to nervously laughing his way through questions about Rashad Evans, Jones couldn’t have done a worse job at earning new fans for both himself and the UFC if he choked out Curt Menefee and refused to check on him. At least Evans seemed to enjoy Jones’ performance, albeit for the wrong reasons.
Before Stann’s next commentary gig, he has a fight against Alessio Sakara at UFC on FUEL 2. That fight goes down on April 14th in Stockholm, Sweden.