Brett Rogers Is a Dead Man: Fedor Brings Back His Lucky Sweater

Like a knight suiting up for battle, Fedor has thrown himself into his latest round of publicity obligations armored in what has become known as The Glorious Sweater of Absolute Victory. If you’ll remember, he lit up New York in the horizontally-striped number before his Affliction fight with Andrei Arlovski, and we all know how well that turned out. These photos were taken at a press conference held today somewhere in Russia — we just wanted to clarify that, because there’s an “M-1 Affliction Challenge” logo on the wall, and the word “Strikeforce” is nowhere to be seen. Anyway, Brett Rogers‘s loud t-shirt just broke eye contact and pissed itself. Somebody may be paying you to wear that thing, Grim, but we highly doubt it wards off spells from jealous women…