B.J. Penn’s Camp Files Formal Complaint Over Vaseline on St. Pierre’s Back Between Rounds

BJ Penn

B.J. Penn’s camp has filed a formal complaint with the Nevada State Athletic Commission over Vaseline that was allegedly rubbed on Georges St. Pierre‘s back between rounds one and two.  UFC president Dana White said at the post-fight press conference that he was aware of the complaint, and said he personally witnessed members of the commission take the Vaseline away from GSP’s camp and rebuke them in the Octagon between rounds.

“I saw the commission jump up there and flip out,” said Dana White.  “They said one of the guys was rubbing Vaseline on Georges’ back in between rounds.  It was one and two, I think.”

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“The guys from the athletic commission went up there and started screaming at them, knocked the Vaseline and kicked the Vaseline out of the Octagon.”

White added that “some Vaseline on a guy’s back didn’t change the outcome of that fight, but you don’t do it,” and said the blame should fall on the cornerman responsible and not GSP.

“If a guy was intentionally putting Vaseline on a guy’s back, he should never corner a mixed martial arts fight again.”

As for what becomes of the complaint now, White said it’s out of his hands.

“Who knows.  That’s up to the commission.”

Update: A member of Penn’s entourage tells Fighters Only that GSP came out for round two “covered in Vaseline,” adding that the ““whole [of Penn’s] team is pissed off.”