Best Leg Kickers in UFC History

Best Leg Kickers in UFC History

UFC fans love seeing knockouts, but seasoned fans love seeing a fighter with great leg kicks. Perfectly placed leg kicks have the ability to change the tide of a fight and set up powerful KO strikes.

Here is a list of five of the best leg kickers in UFC history. Check out the list of fighters below and read why their leg kicks were so deadly.

Jose Aldo

Jose Aldo

When mentioning the best leg kicker in UFC history, one of the first fighters always mentioned is Jose Aldo. The original featherweight king was known for his well-rounded skills and powerful kicks.

Aldo put his leg kicking prowess on full display in his notorious fight against UFC vet Urijah Faber. Fans witnessed Jose destroy Urijah’s legs for five straight rounds. Landing punishing kick after kick. 

After the fight, Faber posted a picture of his legs, which were completely black, blue, and purple. Faber couldn’t walk for days after the fight. 

The next time you’re down with a leg injury, you should play slots for real money.

Pedro Rizzo

Pedro Rizzo

No doubt, the undisputed king of the best leg kickers in UFC history is Pedro Rizzo. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Rizzo was the most feared kicker in the UFC.

Pedro put down everyone from Tank Abbott, Dan Severn, Mark Coleman, and Josh Barnett with his leg kicks. He absolutely destroyed the legs of these legends.

Thanks to Rizzo, he inspired many future fighters to develop powerful leg kicks to attack their opponents.

Dustin Poirier

Dustin Poirier

This generation of fighters has many good kickers and one of the most known is Dustin Poirier. “The Diamond” marked himself as one of the best leg kickers in UFC history with multiple memorable performances.

Arguably his best were his fights against Conor McGregor where he used his patented calf kick. In their second fight, Poirier’s calf kick destabilized Conor’s leg, which helped lead to the leg break.

Now, more fighters than ever have started using the calf kick in their fights.

Justin Gaethje

Justin Gaethje

Former champion, Justin Gaethje is another one of the best leg kickers in UFC history. Justin is more known for his powerful punches, but his leg kicks are one of his best weapons.

Particularly his inside leg kicks, which he uses to set up his big strikes. Khabib noted how powerful Gaethje’s kicks were in their title fight, which is why he immediately took him down.

You don’t have to just watch out for Justin’s fists, but also his powerful kicks.

Forrest Griffin

Forrest Griffin

Forrest Griffin was one of the most beloved fan favorites during his fighting career. He was also one of the best leg kickers in UFC history, which isn’t talked about enough.

Griffin displayed his impressive leg kicking skills in two big wins against Shogun Rua and Rampage Jackson. Many thought Forrest would lose these fights, but turned the tides with his leg kicks.

Rampage noted that Griffin’s kicks knocked him off-balanced and left him unable to get off his punches.