Bad Blood Between Chael Sonnen and Michael Bisping?

Michael Bisping called out Chael Sonnen via his Twitter account after the fight at UFC 117 saying the following:

“Im gonna beat Akiyama then beat Sonnen, he cant do that to me. come on ya salesman!!! cos u can’t hold me down fag!”

Then he later deleted the above comment and added:

“nah Just kidding, Sonnen did an awesome job, was nice to see Silva tested, he showed a lot of heart.”

After seeing this all, I knew I had to do was wait for Sonnen to respond. Few days later, the outspoken Sonnen did not disappoint. He was on MMA-Live this week and had the following to say on Bisping

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“”Well you know I’ll tell ya if Michael Bisping ever addresses me in public again I’ll bury him where he stands””

 With all this being said if Bisping gets passed Akiyama, would you like to see Bisping Vs Sonnen in an old fashioned grudge match?

HT: The Underground