Askar Askarov Edges Alexandre Pantoja In Back-And-Forth Grappling Encounter – UFC Fight Island 2 Results

Kicking off the UFC Fight Island 2 main card is a flyweight bout between Alexandre Pantoja and Askar Askarov.
Round 1: Pantoja starts with a superman punch. Askarov goes for a takedown but Pantoja reverses with a guillotine. Askarov escapes and is now in Pantoja’s guard. Pantoja attempts a triangle and an armbar but Askarov isn’t in danger and starts to land ground and pound. Pantoka looks for a heel hook now but once again, Askarov is fine. Pantoja stands up but Askarov has his back. Pantoja escapes but Askarov is relentless in looking for the takedown. Pantoja escapes and after a scramble ends up on the ground with Askarov’s back. He looks for the rear naked choke but Askarov is doing well to defend and lasts the round.
Round 2: Pantoja pressures forward. Askarov responds with a takedown attempt. Pantoja defends and they clinch up before returning to striking. Askarov lands a body kick. He lands a leg kick soon after. Pantoja lands a body kick which connects but Askarov catches it and looks to take him down but to no avail. Pantoja lands a leg kick but receives a counter to the head. Pantoja lands a body shot. Askarov takes him down. Pantoja scrambles and gets to his feet. Askarov looks for another takedown. They go to the ground but are back up on the feet again. Askarov looks for another takedown but Pantoja reverses and has his back with one hook in. Askarov ends up on top and the round ends.
Round 3: The pair start to swing to begin the third with Pantoja landing some effective. Askarov seemingly gets dropped but doesn’t seem to be majorly hurt. The fight returns to the feet. Askarov lands a nice jab. Pantoja tries to take him down but gives up on the attempt. Pantoja lands a big body shot. Askarov lands a number of leg kicks. He follows it up with a teep kick to the knee. Fight has slowed down a bit as both fighters seem to be recovering from the first two rounds. Pantoja lands a body kick but slips. Askarov looks to swarm but gives up soon after. Askarov lands a nice left. They both connect as the fight ends.
Official result: Askar Askarov defeats Alexandre Pantoja via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).