Angela Magana Reveals Insane Fallout For Cyborg Brawl

One day after Angela Magana was reportedly punched by Cris ‘Cyborg’ Justino at the UFC fighter retreat, the MMA world has been dealt a predictably strange fallout for the scene.
First, Magana tweeted she was the victim of ‘roid rage,’ revealing that lawyers were contacting her ‘left and right’:
I was the victim of roid rage today. Hope it was worth your job. Sue happy lawyers hitting me up left and right now #Cyborg
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
Magana then clarified that she had all of her teeth but would be pressing charges after the police had been contacted by the UFC, not her:
Lets be clear I did not call cops UFC did. But I decided to press charges after speaking with them. I have my teeth
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
Faced with backlash, Magana then went on to invoke the time when Cyborg was threatening to sue Ronda Rousey for suggesting she used steroids:
Hmmmm? Who remembers when Cyborg tried to sue Ronda for saying she was juicing? Or all the "bullying" he has done to Ronda? #idiotpeasants
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
People were quick to blast Magana for supposedly suing Cyborg, but she fired back she was not officially suing and had only been contacted about it:
I never said I was suing cyborg idiots. I said lawyers were calling me. Its ok to sue if someone talks bad but not for assault and battery?
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
Magana then continued to berate Cyborg, calling her a bully who took steroids in order to beat up smaller fighters, which therefore made her look masculine:
Ps-a bully is some1 who takes roids 2 fight smaller people side effect of that is looking masculine Getting called out is pointing out facts
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
And while she’s facing criticism for ‘poking the bear,’ Magana noted that posting rude tweets doesn’t give Cyborg free reign to assault people:
Rude tweets dont give you a license to battery people. Anyone see the shit male fighters tweet. #roidrage
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
Magana continued to discuss the details of the incident, stating that the cops called her and were looking into felony assault charges for the incident:
Cops called me. They are looking into felony assault charges due to the circumstance. #roidrage
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
Finally, “Her Majesty” poked back at Cyborg, suggesting that she would be arrested for a felony and lose her job as well:
Talk shit get hit, then felony charges on your ass. And no more job!
— Angela Magana (@AngelaMagana1) May 22, 2017
So it looks like the mess is about to get a lot messier, and Cyborg could actually ended up facing very serious charges for her decision to assault Magana, who fights at two weight classes below Cyborg and isn’t exactly relevant in the UFC beyond her controversy-inspiring social media presence (let’s be honest).
With a potentially huge title fight versus Megan Anderson on the line for Cyborg at July’s UFC 214, it’s safe to wonder if all this was actually worth it for her.