Anderson Silva makes surprise visit to 12 year old fan in the hospital

The following clip is pretty touching regardless of what language you speak or country you are from. Anderson Silva being the celebrity and role model he is in Brazil has a legion of fans ranging from all ages, backgrounds and walks of life.

But one 12 year old boy in particular who happens to be suffering from a bone condition known as “Legg-Calve-Perthes syndrome”, leaving him in a wheelchair for 9 months after requiring two leg and hip surgeries, was lucky enough to accept a few words of wisdom from none other than the P4P king and UFC champion himself.

Dr. Eduardo Picanco arranged the surprise meeting after learning that one of the boys idols was Anderson. Silva showed up bearing gifts, embraces and the following words of encouragement:

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“Let me tell you something: You’ll need to do something very important for everyone. You’ll have to work hard so you can get better very soon. ‘Minotauro’ had the same problem, and he’s fighting again. Got it? So you have to work hard. I talked to the doctor. He’ll talk to ‘Minotauro’s’ doctor to see if she can help you too. That way you’ll get back to training as soon as possible. OK? Cool?

“… Let’s get better fast so we can train. It’s a date. We’ll train when you get better.”

Looks like Silva just went up a few points in the awesome human being category. As a kid I could only imagine what it would be liketo have your favorite fighter promise some training sessions with him at Blackhouse.