Alexander Volkov Batters Stefan Struve In Heavyweight War

Round 1:
Struve opens up with a 1-2 combo and Volkov responds with a leg kick. A nice jab lands for Struve and he lands a nice flying knee as well. Volkov comes inside with a nice uppercut and pushes Struve against the cage before the Dutchman circles out. A high-kick lands for Struve and Volkov takes things to the ground before shooting back up and backing away.
Struve now back up on his feet now and lands a nice couple of uppercuts that he follows up with a hook. Another kick is caught by Volkov who pushes Struve against the cage but Struve again circles out. A body kick for Volkov lands but Struve again lands a big uppercut. A nice front body kick lands for Struve but Volkov responds with a huge knee to the stomach that makes Struve grunt loudly.
A high-kick and flying knee lands for Struve and cuts him open, but Volkov gets the takedown and reigns down ground-and-pound on Struve. Struve defends some but Volkov is an animal and continues to pour it on, landing many shots. The round comes to an end with Volkov still on top reigning down shots, but he is cut very bad on his cheek.
Round 2:
Struve goes for an uppercut but is stopped mid-punch from a Volkov hook. A leg kick from Volkov takes on Struve’s legs from under him, but he’s able to pop back up. An eye poke from Struve stops the action and the Dutchman fully owns up ot it as the action is temporarily stopped. Ref starts the action up again and both men touch gloves before resuming to fight. A nice combination for Volkov is responded to by Struve with a nice uppercut.
Volkov now lands some big shots now and believes he has Struve in trouble. High-kicks from Struve don’t land but instead leave him open for shots from Volkov, who continues to land flush. Another eye poke from Struve stops the action as his hands are open. Ref warns him that one more time will result in a point deduction. Struve wants the takedown but Volkov knees him in the gut and forces him to back off.
An overhand lands for Struve but he eats back-to-back shots from Volkov, who then begins waking him down. Struve seems to be a bit wobbly now as Volkov continues his attack. The round comes to an end with a body kick being caught by Volkov.
Round 3:
Struve gets caught with a big uppercut to start off the round and both men land eye pokes for having open gloves. The ref warns them both and resumes the action. Struve begins to get into a rhythm but Volkov lands some big shots of his own. Some nice shots land for Volkov on the inside and he follows it up with a knee to the skull. Nice left hook for Volkov and Struve fires back with a high-kick.
A huge right hand lands for Volkov and he follows it up with yet another. Volkov continues the pressure and it’s just too much for Struve to handle. He tumbles over and Volkov’s ground-and-pound forces the ref to wave things off.
Official Result: Alexander Volkov def. Stefan Struve via R3 TKO (punches, 3:30)