Alexa Grasso Earns Decision Victory Over Ji Yeon Kim


Next up is a women’s Flyweight bout between Ji Yeon Kim and Alexa Grasso.

Round 1: Kim establishes her jab immediately. Grasso lands a nice right hand. Kim lands a heavy shot seeing her advance the action. Grasso attacks the front leg of Kim. The two exchange jabs. Kim lands a nice left hook counter. The two trade in the pocket. They both trade heavy hooks. Kim counters with a right cross. The two exchange in the pocket again with Grasso landing a big body kick on the break. Grasso continues to attack the lead leg of Kim. Grasso connects with a combination on Kim. Grasso lands another calf kick right before the round siren sounds.

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Round 2: The two trade shots to open the round. Kim lands a stiff jab. Grasso connects with a combination finishing with a heavy right hook. Kim begins to walk Grasso down landing shots that are mostly blocked. Grasso lands another combination going to the body and head. She continues to throw the calf kick to Kim’s front leg. Kim begins to throw heavy shots. The two exchange in the pocket. Grasso lands with a superman punch before the two both land big counters. Grasso lands a left hook that staggers Kim before she clinches up to avoid damage. The two separate and continue to trade shots until the bell.

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Round 3: Grasso throws a big body kick. The two proceed to trade jabs. Grasso shoots a takedown to which Kim reponds by attempting to set up a guillotine. The two break and return to the center of the octagon. Grasso lands a combination before Kim lands some heavy shots of her own. Kim proceeds to throw volume pushing Grasso to the cage and clinching up. The position is reversed by Grasso. The two remain clinched on the cage reversing position over and over. Grasso eventually secures a takedown and ends up in half guard. Grasso lands some ground and pound. She closes the round landing more ground and pound until the bell is rung.

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Official Result: Alexa Grasso def. Ji Yeon Kim via Unanimous Decision