2 vs. 2 MMA bout ends with a Submission and TKO, Followed By a Twist ending And Another TKO
Dogfight Wild Tournament 3 event featured a 2 vs. 2 MMA bout. Two men on the red team face two men on the blue team. The winning team, in an unexpected twist, then had to face off against each other.
2 vs. 2 MMA
This fight pitted Zdravko ‘Bad News’ Tarnadzhiev and Aitor Gaspar ‘Gaps’ against Joel Sadiel Infante and Fabiano Lucio Matos in 2 vs. 2 action. Hosted in Spain’s Olimpic Arena de Badalona as part of Dogfight Wild Tournament 3 “Tertium Mortis,” hosted by Jordi Wild, a Spanish podcaster.
The blue team wasted no time and opened the match with a flying knee, followed by a brawl and dropping one fighter from the red team. The other two combatants threw punches and then began grappling from full guard.
The blue team fighter rained down ground and pound against his opponent but then the red team fighter rolled for an ankle lock while the other two combatants were locked in a clinch.
The red team fighter left his opponent to attack the blue team fighter in a 2 vs. 1, but then the blue team fighter tapped out from the ankle lock. It was then 2 red fighters versus only 1 blue fighter. Red team gained up and attacked the one blue team fighter until the blue corner threw in the towel. The red team of Badnews and Gaps walked away with the victory. But then a twist!
Jordi Wild marched into the rin to announce that the red team fighters must now fave off against one another! Zdravko ‘Bad News’ Tarnadzhiev quickly landed an overhand to earn a TKO victory against Aitor Gaspar ‘Gaps.’